Returns are accepted and made on the conditions of our shipping polices, and other terms and conditions. All returns need to be approved by Dietary H™'s conditions. Contact us for more information if a return is needed.
Returns may not be approved if our legal department determines certain fraud, or any other fraud or illegal activities is being made against Dietary H™. Any fraudulent actions against Dietary H™ and our associates maybe reported to the proper authorities, as well as your financial institute when they contact us if a false claim is made.
Any returns that violate Dietary H™'s policies will be subject to: 1) A 25% restocking fee for unopened/unused/undamaged items, and 50% restocking fee for all opened/used/damaged items in any way. 2) Any, and all shipping fees.
Dietary H™ ask that you give our products at least 3 months before deciding if a refund will fulfill your needs, as products can take 3 months up to 2 years to have a desired effect on you. See also Shipping & Payment Info as well as the Terms and Conditions pages.